Electronic weighing machines

Electronic Net weighing system

series DR-PN

Electronic net weighing system for medium-high production.

Net weighing system 2
Company 2

Continuous quest for quality

On pursuing the goal of continuously improving the quality of our products and our "customer" service, we have armed ourselves with a quality management system for our own production processes, in conformity with a certified and internationally renowned model, UNI-EN-ISO 9001-2015, based on which our certification was issued several years ago.

Certified weighing systems

We have obtained certification for our Production System pursuant to the 2014/32/UE Directive (MID), in compliance with attachment D for the manufacture of AUTOMATIC GRAVIMETRIC FILLING MACHINES , under the surveillance of the KIWA-CERMET notified body. This certification authorises our company to autonomously type-approve the weighing systems we produce and sell as suitable for relations with third parties.

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Net weighing system 3


There are many reasons to choose our products

  • 01 Weighing system made up from sealed load cells complete with relevant fixing supports.
  • 02 De-dusting outlet to allow extraction of dusts inside the weighing pan.
  • 03 Press-bent stainless or carbon steel sheet, welded together to form the structure.
  • 04 Connection hopper, between the weighing machine and bagging machine, complete with base plate and reinforcements. Its accurate geometry allows the product to flow very smoothly inside.
  • 05 Weighing pan fitted with pneumatically-opened double hatch for total unloading of the weighed product.
  • 06 High production speed


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